Upcoming Events
- Castaway CD SelectionJuly 3, 2014 at 6:00 pm – 10:00 pmFreemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London, United KingdomHosted by St. Catherine’s Lodge in Temple 10
- Quarterly Communication meet-upSeptember 10, 2014 at 9:30 am – 1:00 pmShakespeare’s Head pub, 64-68 Kingswaymeet for breakfast at 09:30 and then head over to FMH about 11: 15/11:30
- Quarterly Communication meet-upDecember 8, 2014 at 9:30 am – 1:00 pmShakespeare’s Head pub, 64-68 Kingswaymeet for breakfast at 09:30 and then head over to FMH about 11: 15/11:30
The Kent Club is an initiative of Metropolitan Grand Lodge for Freemasons working or living within the Metropolitan area to provide a forum for masons to socialise, develop and understand the contemporary role that Freemasonry plays in modern society today. Activities to support our daily advancement in masonic knowledge are aimed primarily for those between the ages of 35 and upwards, although if you have younger friends who want to join in, please bring them along (we are very flexible).
We work closely with the Metropolitan Craft & Chapter Demonstration Teams and have relationships with other masonic organisations (such as the Emulation Lodge of Improvement) to help you improve your masonic learning and development. The events we organise are widely varied and are aimed at all levels and interests; from the newly-made Initiate to those who have passed through the Chair, all, including the most experienced and senior Masons, are welcome.
Please look at our Events page to find out when our next activity is scheduled.
1. The club shall be called The Kent Club and will be affiliated to the Metropolitan Grand Lodge (MGL) and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London (MGC). Membership shall be open to all freemasons who are members of, or past members of the Metropolitan Grand Lodge or Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London
2. The Club’s principal aim shall be the promotion of fraternal sociability and education in London for members and the facilitation of contacts between the diverse range of London’s Lodges and Chapters.
3. Alterations to this constitution may only be made at an Annual General Meeting or at a General Meeting called for that purpose. Any Proposed alterations must be submitted to the Secretary in writing at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
4. The Club’s year will be deemed to run from 1st April to 31st March each year.
5. The Club will be managed on behalf of its members by the Kent Club Committee (see clause 24)
6. A “member” means any class of membership.
7. The membership will consist of
a) full members
b) associate members
c) honorary members
8. Members’ subscriptions for each year will be decided six months prior to the year for which they are to apply and shall be appended as Appendix 1 to this Constitution
9. New members’ subscriptions shall be dependent on membership class plus any joining fee from time-to-time as decided at the Annual General Meeting.
10. Subscriptions will be due by the first day of the Club’s financial year, each year. Any member, who has not paid the relevant subscriptions for the ensuing year by this date, in whole or in part, will not be permitted to class themselves as full members
11. Members who have allowed their membership to lapse for less than 30 days will not normally be asked to re-apply for membership or pay are-joining fee, but will be required to pay a full 12 months’ subscription.
Reduced subscriptions for new members maybe applied from April of each financial year when they will be paid pro-rata. The Committee reserves the right to ask for a formal membership application if it so wishes. Any re-joining fee will be set at the same level as the joining fee from time-to-time.
12. Members who have not renewed their membership by the third month following the beginning of the Club’s year, will be deemed to have left the club and a renewal after this period will be treated as a new membership application which will incur a re-joining fee.
13. Full members must be members of the Metropolitan Grand Lodge or Chapter of London(“MetGL”) and must be able to provide evidence of such on request
14. A member may be made an honorary life member for services to the club. Life members can only be created by a majority ballot of club members present at a general meeting.
15. All members, without exception, must comply with all club rules. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action by the Club which may lead to dismissal.
16. Associate members will be non MetGL masons “in good standing”, whose place of work is in London from time-to-time.
17. Members who have provided meritorious service to the Club, may be invited to join the Advisory Council of the Kent Club. Members of the Advisory Council have no Committee voting or other rights, other than as members. Members of the Advisory Council must be members of the Kent Club.
18. Additions and amendments to rules and regulations can only be made by proposals at a General Meeting.
19. All rules and regulations will be reviewed annually, and will be considered binding for 12 months, excepting where urgent action is required. This action must then be ratified by the members at the next general meeting.
20. Any complaint concerning any member must be made in writing and signed by the complainant(s). The written complaint must then be forwarded to the Secretary so that the matter can be addressed at the next Committee meeting.
21. Where an allegation of misconduct is made against a member, the member may be suspended from all club activities while an investigation is carried out. (Note:- A suspension carried out in this matter is considered a neutral act and infers no blame or guilt and is purely to allow an investigation.)
22. The Committee may impose a suspension from club activities not exceeding 90 days upon any member in the event of misconduct. Any suspension must be accompanied by a verbal and/or written warning as deemed appropriate in accordance with Article 20.
23. The Committee may consider removal of membership where conduct is considered to be prejudicial to the club. Dismissal will be in accordance with the following procedure:
a. The member is to be given a verbal warning by an authorised Committee Member in which the member is made aware of his misdemeanour and what he is reasonably required to do to make amends.
b. If the member does not respond, he is to be given a written warning by an authorised Committee Member to advise him of his misdemeanour and what he is reasonably required to do to make amends.
c. If he still fails to respond, the Committee should invite him in writing to meet with them (or a sub-committee of members appointed by the Committee) at an agreed date and time to discuss the situation, advising they are considering withdrawal of his membership.
d. If he still fails to respond to reasoning or fails to attend without reasonable cause, the Committee can advise him in writing that his membership is withdrawn, stating the reasons why this decision was reached.
e. When the member is advised of withdrawal of his membership, he must be given the right of appeal. If he opts to appeal, this will be to the Club membership at an EGM which the Committee would call on his behalf at a previously agreed date and time. The motion to uphold the membership withdrawal or reverse it must be in accordance with the voting procedures set out in the Club Constitution.
In the event of gross misconduct, immediate dismissal without warnings may be considered but the member must still be accorded his rights to present his case to the Committee and be given a right of appeal in accordance with sub-paragraphs c, d and e above.
In the event of dismissal the Committee will arrange for the member’s current membership fee to be reimbursed in full, pro-rata.
24. The Committee of the Club shall comprise of not more than 10 Officers.
25. The Officers of the committee shall be, Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer, Events Officer, Assistant Secretary, Assistant Events Officer and Assistant Communications Officer. A “Job Description and Responsibilities” list of duties will be prepared for all Officer posts.
26. Committee members who are not Officers may include: The President and up to four Stewards.
27. Committee members who are authorised to handle monies on behalf of the Club are the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, the Treasurer and the Events Officer.
28. Committee officers and members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting from written nominations received no later than 21 calendar days prior to the meeting, to serve for a period of one year. The Committee will be elected by majority vote by ballot from themembers present. All fully paid up members and life members are eligible to vote.
29. Should a committee position become vacant,the Committee may, by a majority vote, co-opt a replacement who will then serve until the following Annual General Meeting as if they had been voted into post.
30. Members elected to office will have full voting rights at all meetings. In the event of a tie, the Chairman will have a casting vote in addition to his initial standing vote.
31. The Committee are authorised to carry out negotiations and make decisions in the interest of the club or on behalf of the membership where necessary without consulting the members.
32. Money may only be withdrawn from the club funds when approved by not less than two Authorised Committee Officers.
33. The Chairman must be informed of any negotiations proposed by club members which affect the Club as a whole and copies of any relevant written correspondencemust be submitted to the Secretary for record purposes.
34. Out of pocket expenses incurred by the Committee may be claimed by sending receipts to the Treasurer for approval.
35. Any Committee Officer or Member or Officer wishing to resign must do so in writing.
36. Any member of the Committee who is absent from two consecutive Committee meetings without reasonable cause will automatically forfeit his seat on the Committee.
37. The Treasurer may pay accounts and incur any normal liabilities on behalf of the club.
38. All committee meetings will be agenda’d and minuted. Minutes of committee meetings will be made available to members on request to the Secretary.
39. A quorum of any Committee meeting shall consist of 5 Committee Members
40. All proposals must be seconded and voted upon. A majority vote of those present is required to carry any proposal.
41. Voting will normally be by show of hands, however a secret ballot may be taken should any committee member request that this be done. Proxy and postal votes will not be permitted.
42. An audio recording of committee meetings may be taken by the Secretary only, for the sole purpose of producing accurate minutes. The audio recording must be deleted once the written minutes are approved.
43. Non committee members may attend committee meetings as observers by applying to the Secretary at least 14 days before the meeting. Any non Committee Member may be asked to leave the meeting subject to approval from the Committee.
44. All general meetings will be agenda’d and minuted. Any other business will only be accepted at general meetings if the Secretary is given at least 14 days notice in writing of the item to be discussed AND the item is brought to the attention of Committee members at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
45. A quorum of any general meeting is to be at least 4 members.
46. All proposals must be seconded and voted upon. A majority vote of those present is required to carry any proposal including proposals to alter this constitution.
47. Voting will normally be by a show of hands, however a secret ballot must be taken should any member request that this be done. Proxy and postal votes will not be permitted.
48. Amendments to proposals must be voted upon first.
49. An audio recording of general meetings may be taken by the secretary only, for the sole purpose of producing accurate minutes. The audio recording must be deleted once the written minutes are approved.
50. The Committee, through the Chairman has the power to ask a person to leave any meeting in the event of that person disrupting the meeting.
51. A date for the Annual General Meeting will be decided each year by the Committee. At least 28 days
notice of the meeting will be given in writing to all Club members.
52. Annual subscriptions and the joining and rejoining fee will be decided at the Annual General Meeting.
53. Two members (non committee members) shall be elected by the Committee to carry out an independent examination of the accounts before the Annual General Meeting to verify that the balance sheet is correct and fairly represents the expenditure and receipts of the club, its assets and its liabilities.
54. The Secretary will convene an Extraordinary Committee Meeting within 14 days on request from any
Officer of the Committee, stating the business to be discussed.
55. The Secretary shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the club by a resolution of the Committee stating the business to be brought before the meeting, of which 28 days notice has been given to all members in writing stating the business to be discussed.
56. The Secretary shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the club on receipt of a request in writing signed by not less than 3members of the club, stating the business to be brought before the meeting.The meeting must be called within 28 days ofrequest and28 days notice must begiven to all members in writing stating the business to be discussed.
57. When a request for a meeting is made in accordance with Article 55 and it is not called within 28 days, the requesting members may themselves convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club by giving 28 days notice in writing to all members, duly setting out the purpose for which the meeting was called. Any resolutions passed at such a meeting shall have the same force and effect as if they were passed at a meeting convened by the Committee.
58. The Club will hold its funds in a bank account, which may be operated electronically using internet banking.
59: The Club’s bank account will need not less than two signatures for all withdrawals of funds.
60: At least three signatories to the bank account will be in place at all times.
61: The Treasurer shall cause proper accounts to be kept and shall present his accounts to the club annually at the AGM
62. The Clubs financial year will be deemed to run from 1st January to 31st December each year
63. The signatories on the club’s bank account will be the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, the Treasurer, the Secretary and will be required to submit a sample of their signature for bank reference purposes.
Recent Posts
- June 26th, 2014 – Social Event
- June 11th, 2014 – Quarterly Communication
- May 31st, 2014 – Tour of Temple Church
- May 1st, 2014 – AGM
- April 10th, 2014 – Social Event
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